
2023 Release Change Log

February 23rd, 2023

Feature Title: Auto Mapping of Address to Contact
Feature Description:

  • Users can now map an address to a “contact,” which will automatically pre-populate the “contact” in the detailed categorization screen.
  • Scope:
    • Applies to assets in the “Accounting -> Contacts -> Manage Addresses” dropdown.
    • Applies only to simple Send & Receive Transactions.
  • Not in Scope:
    • Trade, Contract Execution transactions, Internal Transfers, and “Fee only” transactions.
    • Complex transactions with multiple “to” and “from” addresses.

February 23rd, 2023

Feature Title: Language Selection
Feature Description:

  • Users can now select their preferred language for Bitwave.
  • Supported Languages:
    • English
    • Français
    • Español
  • Access: Available via “Account -> User Profile -> Locale.”

February 23rd, 2023

Feature Title: Backend Load Time Improvement
Feature Description:

  • 90% of calls to load the New Transactions UI now complete in 6.5 seconds, a >95% reduction in load time.

March 6th, 2023

Feature Title: Terms of Service Acceptance
Feature Description:

  • Users are required to accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy at login.
  • Users need to accept it only once unless there are new changes.

March 9th, 2023

Feature Title: Split Categorization Rule
Feature Description:

  • Users can create a rule to automatically split a transaction by percentage and categorize each split to a different Chart of Accounts (CoA).

March 13th, 2023

Feature Title: Bulk Categorization
Feature Description:

  • Enables users to select multiple transactions and categorize them all at once.
  • Aims to reduce the number of clicks by >50% for users dealing with hundreds of transactions per day.

March 14th, 2023

Feature Title: Improved Import Error Handling
Feature Description:

  • Enhanced error handling for the "import" function to upload .CSVs, reducing support issues.

March 14th, 2023

Feature Title: MINA Blockchain Integration
Feature Description:

  • Supports MINA token, Send/Receive Transactions, Coinbase Staking Rewards, and Fee Staking Rewards.
  • Not Supported:
    • Asset types other than MINA
    • Other transaction types not listed.

March 9th, 2023

Feature Title: Polygon Validator Staking Reward Rollups
Feature Description:

  • Aggregates Polygon Validator Rewards by the hour for new wallets added to Bitwave, reducing transaction volume by >90%.

March 20th, 2023

Feature Title: Transactions Export V2
Feature Description:

  • Exports transactions using the Data Warehouse, offering faster export and categorized status.
  • Known Limitations:
    • Data Warehouse may be ~12 hours delayed.
    • Does not export CATEGORY or CONTACT.

March 21st, 2023

Feature Title: Searchable Dropdowns
Feature Description:

  • Users can now search and filter within the ORGANIZATION and WALLET dropdowns, improving UX for sorting through large lists.

March 28th, 2023

Feature Title: Aptos Blockchain Support
Feature Description:

  • Official support for the Aptos Blockchain.
  • Supported features include:
    • Aptos - APT (Native Asset of the Aptos Blockchain)
    • Sending and Receiving Transactions
    • Gas Fees
    • Wallet Addresses (e.g., 0x6d4cb054ad2a383b46e05ae0387ae1950c1a8b576645c99d1b32e7d6ad8f937)
  • Limited Support:
    • Staking support (only picks up deposit and withdrawal events, no block-by-block accruals).

View Supported Blockchains

April 5th, 2023

Feature Title: New Transaction UI
Feature Description:

  • Migration from Legacy Transaction UI to New Transaction UI on April 11.
  • Features of the New UI:
    • Faster Data Results (90% faster).
    • Multi-Wallet Select + Filter.
    • Bulk Categorization Capability.
    • Add/Remove Gridlines & More Rows.

April 6th, 2023

Feature Title: Transaction Lock Capability
Feature Description:

  • Enables clients to lock and freeze their transaction history within a defined period.
  • Features:
    • Lock transaction history within a selected time period.
    • Locked periods cannot be modified.
    • Audit trail created for changes to locked periods.
  • Importance:
    • Ensures transaction history integrity post-locking.
    • Useful for period-end close processes.
  • Available under Accounting > Period End Close Page.

April 10th, 2023

Feature Title: Multi-Currency Bill & Invoice Feature
Feature Description:

  • Supports categorization of bills/invoices in currencies different from the organization's functional currency.
  • Available for Quickbooks and Netsuite.
  • Bitwave is the only digital asset sub-ledger supporting this feature.

Feature Title: Journal Entry Report Enhancements
Feature Description:

  • New Journal Entry Report that:
    • Runs in the background.
    • Includes TOKENS, token quantities, internal categories, and contact IDs.
    • Saves runs in BigQuery.

April 17th, 2023

Feature Title: Hedera and XRP Blockchain Integrations
Feature Description:

  • Supported Features:
    • Native Token Support (HBAR & XRP)
    • In and Outbound Transactions (Send/Receive)
    • Gas Fees
    • Transaction Aggregation via Rollups

Sales Notes:

  • Confident support for Hedera blockchain.
  • Functional integration demonstrated for potential partnership announcements.

May 8th, 2023

Feature Title: Imports V2 (Beta Release)
Feature Description:

  • Improvements include:
    • Capable of importing >5k transactions at once.
    • Preview raw and validated data before import.
    • Robust validation with download options for invalid transactions.
    • Enhanced user experience and reliability.
  • Available by request.

June 20th, 2023

Feature Title: In-line Categorization
Feature Description:

  • Perform in-line categorization directly on the All Transactions Page.
  • Features:
    • Assign addresses to Contacts.
    • Assign Categories to amounts.
    • Preview effect of rules before confirming categorization.
  • Benefits:
    • Intuitive rule creation.
    • Significant reduction in categorization time and clicks.
  • Available under feature flag, undergoing internal and power user testing.

July 26th, 2023

Feature Title: New Authentication Service
Feature Description:

  • Implemented new authentication service.
  • Added login via IDP initiated SSO (e.g., OKTA).
  • Enabled session sharing between applications (e.g., Bitwave CORE & Ops/Enterprise Payments).
  • Fixed 'Double-logout' bug.
  • Improved UI/UX for a better user experience.
    This feature will be rolled out over the next several weeks to early users.

August 3rd, 2023

Feature Title: Detailed Rule Enhancements
Feature Description:

  • Enhanced rules to handle the unique categorization of multiple unique assets within a transaction.
  • Allows categorization based on asset type.
    Requires Multi Token to be enabled and direction to be set to all.#### August 23rd, 2023

Feature Title: Balance Check Report
Feature Description:

  • Introduced Balance Check Report to compare Bitwave balances with third-party data.
    Example Use Case: Compare Anchorage balances without using any explorer.

August 23rd, 2023

Feature Title: DeFi Categorization Rules Based on Method ID
Feature Description:

  • Enabled advanced DeFi categorization rules using rules based on the contract's Method ID.
    Example Use Case: Auto-reverse some DeFi activities while leaving others 'as is'.

August 24th, 2023

Feature Title: Import Advanced Feature
Feature Description:

  • Added the ability to upload raw file types (e.g.,, OKX exchange) into Bitwave.
  • Automatically converts raw files into transactions.
    Example Use Case: Upload CSVs from websites like and OKX directly to Bitwave for conversion into transactions.

September 12th, 2023

Feature Title: UI Enhancements for Transactions Page
Feature Description:

  • Improved readability with alternating row colors (off-white & light green).
  • Enhanced UI with grey-text and larger padding.

October 12th, 2023

Feature Title: Wallet Exchange Visibility
Feature Description:

  • Displaying Exchange Name at the wallet level.
    Helps users and internal staff identify wallets associated with exchanges.

October 19th, 2023

Feature Title: Solana Staking Support
Feature Description:

  • Added support for Solana staking "Epoch Rewards" (Inflation Rewards).
  • Syncs rewards and displays them as normal deposit transactions.
    How to enable: Automatically enabled for new wallets, request required for existing wallets.

November 20th, 2023

Feature Title: Edit Manual Transactions
Feature Description:

  • Enabled editing of manual and imported transactions.
  • Access via the transactions page by selecting “Edit Transaction”.

November 21st, 2023

Feature Title: Fantom Blockchain Support
Feature Description:

  • Added support for the Fantom blockchain.
  • Supports all transaction types and tokens (ERC20s, ERC721/1155s).

November 27th, 2023

Feature Title: Improved Pricing Source Selection
Feature Description:

  • Added feature forcing users to add a backup pricing source or acknowledge implications of using only one source.
    Helps prevent issues with transaction pricing.

November 29th, 2023

Feature Title: Ethereum Staking Support
Feature Description:
Enabled Ethereum staking support, including:

  • Consensus Layer Staking Rewards (Beacon Chain staking rewards, Block Rewards, Inflation rewards)
  • Execution Layer Staking Rewards (MEV, TIPS, staking rewards on ETH1/Mainnet)
  • Deposits and withdrawals between ETH1 and Beacon Chain
    Users can now add their validator public key or ETH address to Bitwave to automatically sync rewards and transactions.

December 6th, 2023

Feature Title: Enhanced Actions Report
Feature Description:
Included Contact, Category, Department, Class, Location, and Addresses into the actions report, addressing a long-