Categorize Txns in System Jobs

Hey 👋 Bitwavers, You are now able to categorize transactions by uploading a file!!


  1. Transaction IDs (These ID's are available in the export report. From the sidebar, go to Transactions -> Export -> Run the export file.)
  2. Contact ID and Category ID (Find these under Accounting -> Contacts or Categories -> Copy the Bitwave ID)


  1. Import 5000 txns at a time
  2. Not able to use for Trades and Internal Transfers.

Take a look 👇👇👇👇👇👇

1\. Go to Administration -> System Jobs -> click on Create Job

1. Go to Administration -> System Jobs -> click on Create Job

Download Template -> Add Txn ID's (get ID's in export report) -> Upload CSV -> RUN

2. Download Template -> Add Data-> Upload -> RUN

Example of Import

Example of Import