Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do i get certified in Bitwave?

Q: How to get Organization Name and Organization ID?

Q: How to get a trace ID?

Q: How to enable Auth sign in?

For questions related to adding and maintaining wallets and connections, including manual wallets.

For questions related to navigating the transactions user interface, handling batches of transactions, and exporting transactions.

For questions related to importing various types of transactions into Bitwave.

For questions related to contacts, categories, and categorizing transactions.

For questions related to creating and maintaining rules for how to handle various types of transactions.

For questions related to accounting workflows, connecting external accounting softwares, and period end close.

For questions related to the various reports available in Bitwave.

For questions regarding creating and interpreting various inventory views reports.

For questions related to DeFi protocols and how to handle them within Bitwave.

For questions related to pricing assets within Bitwave.