
Q: How to find missing transactions?


1. To start finding missing transactions, two files are needed:

  • Bitwave Transactions Export

    1. You can find this go by going to Bitwave -> Transactions -> Export -> Set your parameters and click Export
  • Transactions Export from blockchain explorer (i.e. Etherscan, Solscan, Snowtrace)

    1. Double check to get all files from the explorer. Some explorers will have Deposits and Withdrawals separate from Internal Transfers. Also if you are including Layer 2 tokens then download that file too.


If Explorer doesn't have downloadable reports then use TableCapture OR another extension that requires more technical skill is WebScraper

2. Steps to find missing transactions

  • Paste both files in different tabs in the same sheet.
  • Use a VLOOKUP on the transaction hash in the blockchain export with respect to the transaction ID column in the Bitwave Export.
  • Now use a filter for all the results that contain N/A
  • These are the txns which are not in Bitwave.

There are multiple reasons a transaction may be missing in Bitwave including, but not limited to, the following:

  1. The transaction is being filtered out due to settings in Bitwave.

There may be a filter selection enabled that is filtering out the transactions. Double check the filter settings for Reconciliation, Categorization, and Ignored status in the Bitwave application.

  1. There are issues with the blockchain wallet syncing.

This issue may be caused by 1) large transaction volume in the wallet (>50k transactions), 2) a wallet that does not have any transactions, or 3) a general syncer issue. Once you have verified that the wallet is not empty, please reach out to the Bitwave In-App chat for support with this issue.

  1. There are issues with the import for a manual wallet.

There could be either an incorrect format with the import file used or a non-unique ID in the import file. Check to ensure that the import process did not return any errors and that all IDs used in column A of the import file are unique across all transaction IDs in the Bitwave application instance. Feel free to reach out to the Bitwave In-App chat for support with this issue.

  1. There are issues with an Exchange/Custodial wallet API key.

There could be permissions issues with the API key provided. Please double check permissions on the platform you are connecting from and follow our [API connection guides](

Q: Whats the difference between deleting transactions in the UI and using system jobs:


When a user deletes a wallet without deleting the transactions via the system jobs, then there is a possibility of having the wallet removed but that transactions remain. This makes it difficult to locate these transactions to remove. Also, deleting the transactions from the UI(not using the system jobs) can delete the internal transfer as a whole which will ultimately affect the other wallet that was involved in this internal transfer transaction.

Q. How do I bulk categorize transactions?


There are several ways in which bulk categorization can be done:

  1. First one is within the transaction UI, just select all the transactions that you want categorized together with the help of 'select all' checkbox and then click on ' Categorize' button. (Note: This method may only work on Standard transaction type).
  2. Second one is with of the System jobs template. Under Administration > System Jobs > Create Job and select 'Categorize Transactions', After that download the template that shows up and fill the details, after that upload that csv in Bitwave and click on Run.
  3. Third one is with the help of Rules, You can create rules in order to categorize transactions as well. For more info on rules, you can refer to this page

Q: How do bulk uncategorize transactions in Bitwave?


  • Navigate to the Administration section in the left menu of your Bitwave dashboard.
  • Select "System Jobs" from the options available.
  • Click on "Create Job" to initiate a new job.
  • Choose "Uncategorize" as the type of job you want to create.
  • Ensure that no specific wallets are selected to uncategorize transactions from all wallets.
  • Specify the date range for the transactions you wish to uncategorize.
  • Hit the "Run Job" button to execute the task.
  • Finally, click "Submit" to confirm and initiate the automated job.

NOTE: Depending on the size of your organization, the automated job may take anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours to complete.

NOTE: It's essential to remember to turn off any rules that automatically categorize transactions in your organization to prevent interference with the uncategorization process.

Q. How to manually edit transactions for single transactions?


  1. Login to Bitwave
  2. Select 'Transactions'
  3. Click on the transaction you want to edit pricing.
  4. At the bottom of the transaction line, click on the pencil icon in front of using rate
  1. Edit the price of the token and click on 'Save'

Q. How does the Export Transactions Report show fees?


The Export Transactions Report displays fees on the same line item as the deposit detail or withdraw detail that incurred the fee with column L being the feeAmount column N being the feeValueInBaseCurrency and column W being the feeAsset.

Q: How to check the Exchange balances connected via API?


To Validate the Exchange Balances

  1. Checking that Connection is Live:
    Ensure all of your exchange connections are live. If a wallet or API key was added incorrectly, then transactions from this wallet will not appear. Check that the connection is live by reviewing the wallet or connection in the wallet dashboard and that balances are appearing there. Even if balances are 0, it should still show here.Ensure transactions are showing up in the Transactions UI. We recommend waiting at least 24 hours before performing any balance validation in order to give Bitwave time to sync all transactions,
  2. Validating Balances using the Balance Check Report

The Balance report can be used to compare your Bitwave org balances with exchange wallet balances.

  1. In the left-hand corner of your Bitwave app, go to ""Wallets & Connection.
  2. Navigate to ""Reports.
  3. Click on ""Balance Report
  4. Select yesterday’s date, group by wallet and select the Exchange in the wallet field of which you have to compare the balance.
  5. Click RUN REPORT
  6. Download Balance report as CSV and export to a spreadsheet.
    This will give you the up to date balances of all your exchange wallet, based on transactions which have synced into Bitwave.
    To perform the Balance check you will need to compare the Dashboard Exchange Balances with the Balance Report Balances.

Q: How do i ignore transactions


There are multiple ways to ignore transactions in Bitwave

Approach 1: Ignoring on a Txn by Txn Basis in the UI

To Ignore a transactions in the UI simply

  • Log in to Bitwave

  • Go to the transactions screen (Left Menu -> Transactions)

  • Filter for the Wallet and/or Date period where the transaction or transactions you'd like to ignore can be found

  • Select the transaction(s)

  • Click Ignore. See full screenshots here

Approach 2: Ignoring using System Jobs

This is to be used when you have a large group of transactions to be ignored. Note that its only parameters are Wallet, Date and therefore this would ignore all transactions within a specified wallet over a specified period:

Please review the following link for details

Q: What are the different ways to delete the transactions?


  1. How to Delete transaction from transactions UI

(Suitable for deleting few random transactions)

-> Go to the Transactions tab on the left hand side menu.
-> Click on the box on the left side of the transaction you want to delete. ( You can select multiple as well)
-> Click on the More actions drop down above
-> Then Click delete.

  1. How to delete transactions Via system Jobs

( Suitable when deleting multiple transaction from particular wallet for a specific period )

-> Go to Administration tab on the left hand side menu
-> Click on system Jobs
-> Then create job
-> In actions dropdown click delete transaction
-> Then select the wallet and time period and hit run.

  1. How to delete transactions Via CSV Bulk Action.

-> Go to Administration tab on the left-hand side menu
-> Click on system Jobs
-> Then create job
-> In actions dropdown click CSV Bulk Action.
-> Then Upload the CSV and hit run.

Q: Does Bitwave Sync Solana Staking Rewards Automatically?

A: Bitwave does automatically sync Solona staking rewards. You can set up this feature by following these steps:

  1. Identify the stake account associated with your Solona wallet
    1. Search the address in [Solscan](
    2. Navigate to the “Stake Accounts” tab on the address page
    3. Copy the associated stake accounts to add to Bitwave
  2. Add the address of the owner of the staking account in Bitwave
    1. Add the address as a wallet in Bitwave
    2. Bitwave will then sync all associated staking rewards into the Bitwave transactions UI

Q: How to filter out the transfer and fees transactions and bulk reconcile them?

A: Here are the steps which you can follow to filter transfers and fees transactions and bulk reconcile them ,

  1. Download the Export file

  2. So first to get all transfer txns, you need to filter the from and to addresses so that they are your personal addresses

  3. Then to filter for fee txns you need to filter the Operation column for Fees in the export file.

  4. Capture all these txns IDs and use system job CSV bulk action.

    Here is the template for CSV Bulk Action.

    Note :- Put Action as reconcile and put the transaction IDs in the first column.

Q: Where can I find USD transactions?

🅰️: You can find USD transactions in Transactions Report export.

Q: How to lock the transactions to prevent prevent any changes within a certain period?


  • Navigate to the Accounting section in the left menu of your Bitwave dashboard.
  • Select "Period End Close" from the options available
  • Click on the "Enable transaction locking".
  • Select the date to lock transactions up to and including that date.
  • Click on Save.

Q: How do I export transactions from my organization in Bitwave?

🅰️: In order to export transactions from bitwave you can follow these steps:

1. Login to bitwave

2. Under menu select 'Transactions'

3. Select 'Export' under the transactions tab

4. Specify the time period for which you want to download the transactions

5. Click on Export and the transactions will be downloaded for you in a csv file.

Q: In what format will the exported transactions be provided (e.g.,PDF,CSV)?

🅰️: The exported transactions will be provided in the CSV format

Q : How do I run a transaction history report for one single token for a specific wallet?

🅰️ : Follow the steps below :-

  1. Go to transactions
  2. Click on register
  3. Select wallet name
  4. Select date till which you want the history of transactions
  5. Select ticker/token name
  6. Hit load register

Also you can download this report by clicking on " Download CSV "

Q: How to reconcile transactions when the transactions didn't show up in Reconcile Tab under Accounting?


For the Txns that transactions didn't show up in Reconcile Tab under Accounting are trades so to reconcile those txns following steps are to be followed

  1. Go to Transactions in left-side menu.
  2. Go to Trading.
  3. Make the page size to 100
  4. Select all the transactions in bulk
  5. Click Accept.

This will reconcile all your transactions that are under To be Reconciled, that didn't showed up in reconcile tab.

Q: How do I combine a transaction?


Transactions can be combined by following steps given below:
a. Go to Transactions and click all transactions.
b. Select the transactions that needs to be combined by check marking box on their left.
c. After selecting the transactions, Click on Combine and txns will be combined.

Q: What should I do if I have multiple transactions that need categorization?


There are two ways to categorize multiple transactions. Those are listed below:

  1. Categorizing Transactions from transaction UI
    a. Go to Transactions and click all transactions.
    b. Select the transactions that needs to be categorized by check marking box on their left.
    c. After selecting the transactions, Click on Categorize.
    d. Fill out the contact and cactegory and all selected txns would be categorized.
    NOTE:- Trade txns cannot be categorized in BULK.

  2. Categorizing txns through System Jobs:
    a. Go to Administration.
    b. Select System jobs, and hit create job on right hand side.
    c. seletct the action as Categorize transactions.
    d. Download the CSV and fill out the txns and contact and category ID and downloas CSV.
    e. Upload the CSV
    f. Hit Run.

Q. How do I split a trade transaction?


1.Create Manual Transactions:

  • Create one manual transaction for the trade itself.
  • Create another manual transaction for any associated fees.
    2.Uncategorize Original Transaction:
  • After creating the manual transactions, uncategorize the original transaction that included both the trade and the fee.
  • Once uncategorized, you can ignore the original transaction in your records or mark it as reconciled, depending on your accounting or tracking system.

Q: How much time it takes for a wallet to get synced completely?


The time that wallet takes to get resync depends on the number of transactions that wallet have:

  1. If the transaction count is less , it would take about 2-3 hours for transactions to sync in.
  2. If the transaction count is more, it would take atleast 24 hours for transactions to sync in.

Note: Usually customers are advised to wait 24 hours to get wallet synced in fully.


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Q: Is it possible to save transaction when you put google sheet in Memo in transaction?

No, you would not be able to save transaction, if you put google sheet link in the Memo of transaction. It would give error while saving.

Q: Why the manual trade transaction get ignored and gets combined with already ignored onchain transactions?


For the import, where the transactions are getting ignored is because of using same blockchain id as it is onchain, and also if the onchain transaction are ignored , after importing because manual transactions have same blockchain id, those will also be ignored and get combined with the ignored ones.

To manually import those txns, always use .V1, .V2 respectively at the end of blockchain id, just to differentiate them.

For example : for one blockchain id having trade dispose, trade acquired and trade fees use .V1 , for second having trade dispose, trade acquired and trade fees use .V2 and so on.

Q: How to Edit Trade transactions that are manually imported?

🅰️We usually cannot edit trade transactions but we have 2 ways to edit the transactions.

First , You can ignore that particular transaction and reupload with the changes that you want to make.

Second, You can Change the transaction type from trade to standard and then just Select and edit the transaction and then again make it to trade.

Q: What does "Confirm" besides transactions in transaction UI means?


This is part of the inline categorization, if you categorize everything inline there, you can just hit confirm to finish categorization. If you pre-select contact, this will often all be pre-categorized, so all you need to do is hit confirm. In that case, it’ll be blue.

Q: How to accept more than 100 trades at a time in bitwave?


​In order to accept trades in bulk you can use as ' Mark as reconciled' feature under system jobs. ( NOTE - Please use this feature only when you have reconciled all the non trade transactions for the time period you are running the system job for)

Here is the detailed guide on system jobs to help you create system job in bitwave.

You can use CSV Bulk Action feature as well which Allows you to mark individual transactions as reconciled by using a csv file. You can find this feature as well under system jobs. ( NOTE - this feature can only be used if you have the transaction id's of the trades you are trying to accept or Mark as reconciled

Q: How to Un-combine a transaction?


Transaction can be un-combined by following steps given below:

  1. Go to Transactions and click all transactions.
  2. Select the Transaction that needs to be un-combined by check marking box on their left.
  3. After selecting the Transaction, Click on Un-combine and transaction will be un-combined.