Bitwave Partner Listing Process Guide


Welcome to the Bitwave Partner Marketplace Listing Process Guide. This document outlines the steps and requirements for partners seeking to be listed on our client-facing marketplace. The goal is to streamline the listing process and ensure all necessary information is provided to facilitate a successful partnership.

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Initial Contact
    • Reach Out to the Bitwave Team
      • Clients can contact their Bitwave Account Executive for Partnership inquiries.
    • Complete the Partner Listing Form
  2. Information Submission
    • The business development manager will review the provided information upon form submission.
    • Required Information:
      • Company Name
      • Contact Information (Name, Email, Phone)
      • Brief Description of Services/Products
      • Additional Business Development Inquiries
  3. Initial Review and Outreach
    • The business development and/or sales manager will contact you within 5 business days to confirm receipt of the form and schedule a follow-up meeting if Bitwave is interested in a collaboration.
  4. Partner Strategy Roadmap Meeting
    • In this meeting, we will discuss:
      • Account Mapping Tool:
        • Align partnership priorities and verticals of interest.
        • Institutions and enterprises of mutual interest.
      • Use Cases:
        • Identify real use cases that can showcase the partnership's value.
  5. Development of Co-Marketing and Case Study Materials
    • Prerequisite:
      • We must have existing clients or have identified one or two proven use cases.
    • Activities:
      • Co-marketing initiatives.
      • Development of case study materials to highlight successful collaborations.

Contact Information

Please complete the form or contact your account manager with any questions or need assistance.


We look forward to collaborating and showcasing your solutions on the Bitwave Partner Marketplace. We aim to create a smooth and efficient pathway to a successful partnership by following this process.